Welcome to First Grade

Language Arts - Benchmark Advance
Reader's Workshop, Phonics, Grammar,
Reading Comprehension, Reading Strategies,
Guided Reading, Vocabulary, High Frequency Words
We will be working on sight word fluency all year.
The words do not follow any phonics rules, so they must be memorized by sight.
Click here to view the 1st grade high frequency words:
Writing - Step Up to Writing & Writer's Workshop
Opinion, Narrative, and Informative Writing
Topic Sentence, Details, and Conclusion
Math - California GO Math!
Ch. 1 & 2: Addition & Subtraction Concepts
Ch. 3 & 4: Addition & Subtraction Strategies
Ch. 5: Addition & Subtraction Relationships
Ch. 6: Count & Model Numbers
Ch. 7: Comparing Numbers
Ch. 8: Two Digit Addition and Subtraction
Ch. 9: Measurement & Time to the Hour and Half Hour
Ch. 10: Organizing & Representing Data
Ch. 11 & 12: 3D and 2D Geometry
Science - NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)
Mystery Science
Structure & Function: Plants and Animals
Space: Star Patterns and Cycles
Waves: Light and Sound
Social Studies - Harcourt
Unit 1 - Rules & Laws
Unit 2 - Where People Live
Unit 3 - We Love Our Country
Unit 4 - Our Changing World
Unit 5 - All About People
Unit 6 - The Marketplace
*Visual arts standards are integrated within our core subjects*