Programs » PBIS


Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, (PBIS) is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organizational systems for establishing a social culture, learning and teaching environment, and behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. Our school motto continues with the acronym, SOAR, which actually represents the school’s positive school-wide expectations:


S - Spirit - Show school spirit, as well as learn to be a spirited person (positive, enthusiastic, determined).
O - Open-Minded - Be willing to try new things, take chances, and listen to others' ideas.
A - Accountable - Be willing, to be honest, truthful, and take responsibility for work, efforts, and actions.
R - Respect - Show respect for self, other students, the opportunity for education, our school, community, and staff.


All students will be taught each of the expectations with games and lessons in the classroom and/or in rotations during the first day of school.  Students will know how to meet them wherever they are on campus. We want each student, teacher, staff member, and parent to think and act positively about being at school. When a child is happy, research states, that he/she will be more likely to achieve greatness. That is the true goal of PBIS and our motto, “Monarchs SOAR.” With the use of our SOAR tickets, staff will acknowledge and reward positive behavior. There will be a drawing at each assembly of the SOAR tickets and winners will participate in a PBIS Party.