Programs » GATE


GATE Program

The philosophy of the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program is to provide enriched and accelerated activities for students based upon individual abilities.

  • Ensure mastery and expansion of basic skills. Enrich educational opportunities in the basic skills commensurate with potential.
  • Allow a child to cognitively progress at an enriched rate.
  • Broaden and deepen the learning experience.
  • Encourage creativity and problem-solving abilities.
  • Extend horizons beyond the classroom.

All students in grades four through eight have the opportunity to become an identified Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) student based on the approved identification criteria. All 3rd grade students will take the CogAT Test (Cognitive Abilities Test), which measures scholastic achievement. Students who enter Brea schools after the 3rd grade may be invited to take the test mid-year based on academic achievement in class. Please note that qualification for GATE in another district does not immediately qualify a student for GATE in BOUSD. Advanced learners in kindergarten through third grade are supported through programs such as: iReady, Accelerated Reader, Mind Institute JiJi math program, and differentiated instruction in the classroom.